When is the first full day of school for my child for the 2025 school year?
The first full day of school for children in Grade 2 to 6 is Thursday 30th January.
Start Strong, Work as One: Family meetings are occurring on Wednesday 29th January.
The first full day for Prep and Grade 1 children is Monday 3rd February.
What are the Grade 2 to 6 Start Strong, Work as One: Family meetings?
At Golden Square Primary School, Grade 2 to 6 children and their parents/carers will be able to book a time to meet and share information with the classroom teacher on Wednesday 29th January.
Children should attend these meetings with you and bring the items from their book packs so they are able to put these in their locker tubs.
The meetings will be 15 minutes in length for Grade 5/6 children and 20 minutes in length for Grade 2 to 6 children. Bookings will be opened in Compass. A separate Compass message will be sent to alert you to these being open.
Start Strong, Work as One: Family meetings will run from 8:00 am and finish at 5:00 pm.
If you are unable to attend in person for any reason, you can attend via a webex meeting. Just contact your child's classroom teacher so this can be arranged.
Why don't Prep and Grade 1 children start on the Tuesday with the other children?Children in Prep and Grade 1 children have a different start to the school year than other children to allow them to undertake the mandatory
English Online Assessment.
Parents and carers of Prep and Grade 1 children have already submitted their preferences for appointment times on either Wednesday 29th January, Thursday 30th January or Friday 31st January to meet with their child's teacher. Families will receive an email from their child's Prep teacher with the confirmed appointment time. The children will also undertake the
English Online Assessement with their teacher at this time.
Do Prep children have a rest day to help them transition into school?
Prep children will not attend school on Wednesdays for the month of February. This is an important, and very much needed, rest day.
I am requiring care for my child before and/or after the Start Strong, Work as One: Family meetings on Wednesday 29th January. Is this available?Camp Australia is offering care on this day. You can
click here to go to their site to make a booking.
How do I know who my child's teacher will be and how do I contact them?All staff are on their break until Tuesday 28th January 2025. All urgent communication should be sent to either the school email address:
golden.square.ps@education.vic.gov.au or to the principal,
When booking your time for the
Start Strong, Work as One: Family meetings, you will be provided with a link. This will detail your child's/children's classroom teacher for the 2025 year.
You will get to meet them in person on Wednesday 29th January.
If you still require assistance, please contact the office for support or email Leanne Miller (Principal) at
I have never accessed Compass before. Who do I contact for help?During term time, please contact the school office staff.
During term breaks, please email the school at:
golden.square.ps@education.vic.gov.au or, the principal at:
Leanne.Miller@education.vic.gov.au or, the assistant principal (acting) at
I have forgotten my Compass user id and/or password. Who do I contact for help?During term time, please contact the school office staff.
During term breaks, please email the school at:
golden.square.ps@education.vic.gov.au or, the principal at:
Leanne.Miller@education.vic.gov.au or, the assistant principal (acting) at
When am I able to collect my child's booklist up from school?
The booklist items will be available for collection at the school on Monday 20th January 2025 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Who do I contact about my child's booklist?
You can contact
Education Plus about your child's booklist. Their contact details are:
15 Phillips Drive
Kangaroo Flat, 3555
Phone: 54478588
www.edplus.com.au How do I know what items are on my child's booklist?
You can
click here to go directly to the article on our website that provides you with these details.
Please remember that the items have been selected specifically by the teachers to support your child's learning.
Orders are able to be collected from the school on Monday 20th January 2025 from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm.
Where do I get new uniform for my child?
Lowes at Lansell Square in Kangaroo Flat is the supplier of our school uniform.
All children attending our school are expected to be in full school uniform each day unless it is a special event day and there has been school approval for other attire to be worn.
Please remember that children will need to wear the
school's broad brimmed hat for all of Term 1 when they are outside.
What time can my child arrive at school on Thursday 30th January (and any other normal school day)?
The earliest children should arrive at school is 8:35 am. Staff do not provide supervision before this time.
If you need to leave your child at school before 8:35 am, Camp Australia offer a before school service. Please
click here to find out more information on their service and how to register for it.
Who do I talk to about information that I have received from an allied health provider or other professional, that will support my child with their learning, wellbeing and engagement at school?Please make contact with Tom Gamble (Acting Assistant Principal) either by email at
Thomas.Gamble@education.vic.gov.au or via telephone.
I have another question about the start of school that isn't answered here. How do I get this answered?You may contact Leanne Miller (Principal) via email at
Leanne.Miller@education.vic.gov.au, or, Tom Gamble (Acting Assistant Principal) via email at
This question may be added to this article as the answer may help others as well -
working as one.